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Manual lymphatic drainage, another name for lymphatic drainage massage, reduces edema brought on by illnesses or medical procedures that obstruct your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system’s liquid contributes to the body’s removal of waste and poisons.

Lymphatic fluid buildup can be a symptom of some medical problems. Massages that promote lymphatic drainage are beneficial for those who have fibromyalgia, lymphedema, or other disorders. Gently stroking particular body parts during a lymphatic drainage massage encourages lymph to travel to an area with functioning lymph veins. A mild kind of massage called as manual lymphatic drainage, or lymphatic drainage massage, is used to decrease the uncomfortable swelling in your arms and legs brought on by lymphedema. People recuperating from breast cancer surgery frequently get lymphedema.

When your tissues retain fluid that is left over after your circulatory system has delivered blood to your tissues and organs, lymphedema occurs. Lymph is the term for the liquid that is left. Normally, a network of lymph veins and lymph nodes in your body gathers your lymph and transports it back to your heart. When your lymphatic system’s function is hampered, lymph builds up in your arms and legs, causing swelling. This mechanical method helps certain folks. You apply a sleeve to the swelling arm or leg during this procedure. A pneumatic pump that pulses and aids in the drainage of lymph from your tissues to your lymph nodes is connected to the sleeve.

Massages that promote lymphatic drainage are frequently used to reduce lymphedema after breast cancer surgery. The following ailments also respond well to lymphatic drainage massages: Rheumatoid arthritis is a persistent kind of arthritis that affects your joints and causes pain, swelling, and stiffness; chronic pain in the muscles and joints is a symptom of the illness fibromyalgia; chronic venous insufficiency (a condition that occurs when the veins in your legs aren’t functioning properly, making it difficult for blood to flow back to your heart from your legs).

Lymph veins that link lymph nodes carry lymphatic fluid. White blood cells capture and eliminate dangerous particles, such as germs, as they move through the lymph nodes. Lymphatic fluid circulates continuously, much like blood does in the circulatory system. Lymph fluid can accumulate and cause swelling if it stops, most frequently in the arms or legs. This condition is known as lymphedema, according to medical professionals. Typically, lymphatic massage is a component of a treatment plan known as decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT) by medical professionals.

In general, lymphatic drainage massage is a secure method of treating lymphedema. Lymphatic drainage massage is not advised under certain situations and medical problems, including the following: a cardiac problem, when kidneys are failing, if blood is clotted, or if a disease has infected you.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage FAQs:

Is lymphatic drainage worth it?
A lymphatic drainage massage is a typical and important medical therapy for people with lymphedema, but it also has other potential advantages, according to specialists. These include boosting immune function, calming skin disorders like acne or dermatitis, and even lessening symptoms of the common cold.
How many times a week should I do lymphatic drainage?
A massage therapist may advise lymphatic draining once a month to once a week for the greatest results. They could also suggest massaging one to two body regions every day at home.
How long does lymphatic drain last?
Depending on your metabolism and way of living, results can last up to 10 days. Few individuals react negatively to lymphatic drainage massage.
Is lymph node drainage painful?
It is crucial to keep in mind that a lymphatic massage is not uncomfortable and cannot, in any other manner, have adverse repercussions. Typically, a session lasts 45 to 60 minutes, depending on its size and breadth, but has no effect on the outcome as far as pain or discomfort.

PLEASE NOTE: The service will be available soon at Corpus Christi Massage Spa. Our licensed massage therapist has completed her Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Certification.


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