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Although trigger points and other myofascial aches are benign, they can nonetheless be extremely painful and incapacitating. Fortunately, a simple, non-invasive method to loosen those tight places and reduce your discomfort is trigger point massage. Your muscles are made up of bundles of muscle fibers that are covered with a collagenous web known as “fascia.” Every muscle in your body is surrounded by fascia, which serves as the “glue” that binds your muscle tissue together. A trigger point is a tiny, constrictive location inside the taut band of fascia and muscle fibers that limits blood flow to the area and produces discomfort. Trigger points, often referred to as contraction knots, can really feel tight enough to be felt beneath the skin. They frequently cause intense pain that seems out of proportion to the pressure being applied since they are so sensitive.

Trigger points can develop as a result of weakness, microtears, tight muscles, dehydration, and even a bad diet. Muscle fibers that have been overworked or damaged may become unable to relax, which can result in a micro contraction in a small region of the fascia or muscle fiber. The muscular band on each side of the trigger point is stretched as a result. In addition to limiting blood flow, the constricted tissue also causes waste materials to accumulate in the cells because it “starves” the muscle of oxygen. You may avoid moving the muscle that has a trigger point because it hurts, which leads other muscle fibers to contract and new trigger points to form. This is why receiving prompt, efficient care is so important.

Trigger point massage is a simple method for getting trigger points to relax. There is no self-healing for trigger sites. A massage therapist must be seen in order to treat trigger points.  Although there isn’t a specific style of massage referred to as a “trigger point massage,” massage therapists can utilize a variety of methods, such as myofascial release and deep tissue massage, to relax these knots. A trigger point can be relieved by massage by forcing new blood into the area and clearing away waste products. Increasing the amount of oxygen in the region and helping the muscles relax can help with some of your discomfort.

Despite their tiny size, trigger points may be quite painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, trigger point massage can provide you with long-lasting comfort. Make an appointment with our licensed massage therapists at Corpus Christi Massage Spa if you have been dealing with pain from a muscular knot or trigger point. Our massage therapist is skilled in many different massage methods that may be used to treat trigger points, whiplash, and a range of other problems.

Trigger Point Massage FAQs:

What is trigger point massage best for?
Trigger point massage is a simple, non-invasive method to loosen those tight places and reduce your discomfort. Muscles may be extended to their full length once they are relaxed. Muscle flexibility and mobility are improved by trigger pointing.
Do trigger point massages work?
Although trigger point therapy is not a cure for pain, it can be an effective pain treatment. As a result, it may be a useful strategy for controlling pain and raising the quality of life. Ask your doctor whether trigger point treatment would be appropriate for you if you struggle with chronic pain.
Should I massage trigger points?
You should massage every trigger point that appears to need treatment at least twice a day and up to a dozen times daily, provided you are not having any adverse effects.
Is deep tissue massage the same as trigger point massage?
No. The term “trigger point” massage has also been used to refer to deep tissue massage. Trigger points are thought to be caused by injuries, strained muscles, and mental stress. In other cases, trigger points might be latent and not cause pain until physical or mental stress activates them.

You can book a 60 Minutes Deep Tissue Massage or a 90 Minutes Deep Tissue Massage today.

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