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Holidays are a time to do both – give and receive massage

Give and Receive Massage During the Holidays

Holidays can be an intensely hectic period for most. People may be busy shopping, cooking, entertaining and traveling or trying to balance work and family obligations. Massage can help ease stress. And giving a loved one a gift certificate for massage may encourage them to take better care of themselves during this busy holiday season.

Give a Massage

Holidays are a time for spreading love and exchanging presents, and giving someone massage can make the perfect present. Massage not only feels wonderful, but it promotes both physical and psychological healing – massage involves gentle stroking, pressing, manipulating or stretching of skin muscles tendons ligaments or organs as part of an integrative medicine treatment for illnesses or injuries as well as increasing levels of happiness hormones, lower stress levels and creating an atmosphere of peace and contentment in an individual.

Massage has many health benefits in addition to providing relaxation. Massage can increase range of motion in tight or stiff muscles and joints, particularly around the neck and back, providing relief from arthritis or chronic conditions like backache or sciatica pain [Source]. Massage also stimulates immunity to prevent and treat infections as well as ease depression caused by holiday loss of loved ones or close friends.

At Christmas time, many are preoccupied with traveling, shopping and planning parties – leaving little time for relaxing or rejuvenation. Stress levels tend to run high while cold weather aggravates joint conditions; massage therapy can provide much- needed respite during this hectic period and the recipient will appreciate a break from its hectic pace.

Massage can be an unforgettable experience for couples, parents and siblings who want to spoil themselves this holiday season. A couple’s massage can deepen communication and romance between partners; an individual session allows the giver an escape from crowds and time with someone special.

Massage therapists can take advantage of the holidays as an opportunity to build relationships with local businesses and offer discounted gift packages. Distributing gift certificates through mail, post cards or posting flyers are effective means of advertising their services and spreading the word about them. Selling gift certificates either in-clinic or through an online website should make purchasing and scheduling sessions as seamless as possible for clients – be prepared for the holiday rush by organizing all materials before it hits!

Get a Massage

Massages can be an incredible gift at any time of the year, but during the holidays it can become even more special. They provide much-needed respite from all of the gift buying and wrapping chaos! Holiday chores such as cleaning the house, cooking for guests and setting up decorations can put immense strain on muscles and joints, particularly during colder temperatures when stiffness increases further. A professional massage can help relax tight spots and relieve stiffness for maximum relief.

Holidays can often bring back painful memories of loved ones who have passed, which can create significant emotional strain for those grieving {AMBP}. A therapeutic massage may provide much-needed respite from such emotional strain and help a grieving individual feel more positive about facing the future.

Beautiful young woman lying down at spa salon. Skin and body care, healthy lifestyle, relaxation, massage and cosmetology concept

Purchase of a massage gift certificate can make massage more accessible and affordable, making it the ideal present idea for regular customers or anyone on your list who has never tried one before. Massage will certainly be appreciated and cherished!

Massage therapists frequently offer holiday packages to increase sales during this time. Packages might include multiple massages, pedicures and facials as well as body wraps or scrubs; gift cards could also be promoted and sold separately as thoughtful presents – it all adds up! Taking an inventive approach to marketing massage helps keep it at the top of people’s minds!

Schedule a Massage

At Christmas time, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with work and obligations. Between trying to complete everything on your “to-do” list, cooking for family and friends, visiting distant relatives you only see once annually and shopping/wrapping presents, it can become exhausting. That is why it is crucial that you set aside some time just for you – like getting a massage! A massage is the perfect way to recharge your batteries and feel great during this festive season.

Studies have proven the benefits of massage for relieving aches and pains by decreasing cortisol levels – the stress hormone – as well as increasing serotonin and dopamine, both mood-elevating hormones (NIH). Making massage part of your holiday ritual may reduce stress, fatigue and depression while strengthening immunity to keep you feeling your best all winter long.

Holiday massage therapists experience a surge in client visits during this season, as clients bring gift certificates or last minute purchase requests to them for massage services. Business tasks, like end of year admin work and sale promotions may also take up considerable time during this season. It’s essential for them to take some time for themselves by purchasing themselves a gift certificate to use later!

If you are searching for the ideal present this holiday season, give them an experience at Step Above Massage that is both thoughtful and healthful – they will surely appreciate this gesture of generosity! A massage makes an excellent present that anyone on your list would surely cherish. Massage can provide relief for everything from backache to gift-giving anxiety, so make sure you schedule one this holiday season so you can fully appreciate all the fun without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. When combined with release of oxytocin and serotonin hormones, your state of happiness should increase considerably – so go ahead and book that massage today – you deserve it. And don’t forget tip your massage therapist; 15% to 20% tipping is suggested.

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