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Natural state of mind: popular massage therapies

Popular Massage Therapies For Your Natural State of Mind

Your natural state of mind is one filled with inner peace and joy. In other words, this means you don’t rely on anything external for fulfillment or satisfaction. Massage has been shown to decrease stress hormones while simultaneously increasing neurotransmitter production of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin – three happy hormones known to relieve cell stress and boost immune functioning.

Thai massage

Thai massage combines yoga, Ayurveda principles and traditional Chinese medicine into one invigorating experience, which originates in ancient Indian practices for self-improvement, meditation and asceticism. Thai therapists perform stretching and acupressure techniques on clients wearing only their undergarment; typically this therapy takes place on a mat with clients fully clothed on it. Thai massage offers an ideal way to reduce stress levels by improving flexibility while simultaneously increasing serotonin neurotransmitter production which has been associated with feelings of happiness and wellbeing [Source].

Thai massage uses kneading, rocking and static pressure techniques to relax tired muscles while relieving tension in joints and fascia – particularly useful for people suffering chronic neck or back pain. Furthermore, its increased lymph and blood flow can alleviate congestion while decreasing inflammation. Thai massage uses both hands and other body parts (feet, elbows and forearms) as pressure points. This technique requires more energy from both parties involved than many Western forms of massage and necessitates physical energy from both parties involved – it requires considerable physical energy from all involved! Before undertaking a Thai massage therapy session it is recommended that a consultation be held with a healthcare provider, particularly if suffering from diabetes, open wounds, cancer, heart disease (coronary artery disease or coronary artery disease), osteoporosis or pregnant.

Pregnancy massage

Pregnancy massage is designed to ease some of the discomforts that accompany being pregnant, both for herself and her unborn child. Studies show that pregnant women who receive regular massage have healthier pregnancies. Pregnancy massage offers numerous advantages for mothers-to-be. These benefits include relieving back pain, relieving stress and anxiety levels, increasing oxygen and nutrients to the baby, as well as alleviating symptoms associated with edema (fluid retention) or fluid retention and aiding a smoother labor and delivery experience.

Before booking a pregnancy massage appointment, it’s essential that the masseuse has special training in this type of therapy. Furthermore, it may be prudent to check with your physician first if there are complications such as diabetes, morning sickness or preeclampsia present that could potentially compromise its efficacy. Pregnancy can be an emotionally taxing time with its demands on work, family and life in general. Hormonal shifts may contribute to insomnia, lower back pain and fatigue {Yale} – leading to feelings of depresson for mothers. Studies show massage can be used as an effective tool against depression by increasing serotonin levels – leading to better rest and increased energy. Furthermore, massage may increase labor speed reducing intervention during delivery as well as postpartum recovery speed and bonding with new mothers more quickly post-birth.

Sports massage

Sports massage is a form of treatment tailored specifically to athletes and people who regularly engage in physical exercise. This form of massage helps improve flexibility and relieve muscle aches while supporting the body’s natural healing processes and helping reduce lactic acid build-up – key elements in optimizing athletic performance.

Sports massage offers another advantage by increasing blood circulation, helping the body flush away accumulated toxins that may have built up during workouts and speed up muscle recovery time afterward. Furthermore, it can reduce stress and anxiety for athletes involved in rigorous competitions – an especially welcome benefit!

Many elite athletes make regular visits to a professional sports massage service as part of their regimen, believing this will enhance their performance at its highest levels. A sports massage helps reduce post-exercise aches and pains while lengthening training time; increase range of motion; prevent injuries; enhance biomechanics of running (essential for faster running); lower cortisol levels while simultaneously increasing serotonin and dopamine (which promote relaxation and happiness), all essential benefits. All of this alone makes investing in such an experience worth every penny!


Reflexology, an ancient healing art dating back 5,000 years, involves applying light pressure to specific reflex areas on feet and hands which correspond with different parts of the body. Reflexology uses stimulating pressure points located along neural pathways and improving blood circulation to open neural pathways and increase blood flow, helping detoxify and heal itself more efficiently (FNQ). Furthermore, reflexology also relieves stress and anxiety – crucial factors when considering overall health as unchecked stress can cause sleep disorders, constipation or even depression.

Reflexology can also provide relief for women suffering from headaches and migraines, often caused by stress or poor diet. Instead of resorting to painkillers for relief, reflexology has proven successful at relieving tension while increasing circulation – two factors linked with headaches. Reflexology can be used to treat various maladies, including migraines, insomnia, constipation and urinary tract issues. It can also aid recovery after surgery or cancer treatments. However, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical therapies; reflexology works best when combined with healthy diet and exercise regimen. Furthermore, alcohol or caffeine after treatments could negate its beneficial properties; hence it’s wise to have plenty of restful sleep after every session!

Myofascial release therapy

Myofascial Release (MyoFlex(r)) massage therapy works to alleviate body pain by relaxing fascia – the thin connective tissue spanning your entire body from spine to tailbone and which connects its various organs – through myofascial release massage therapy. MyoFascial release can provide temporary relief of headaches, chronic back pain and joint issues while increasing flexibility while also producing endorphins which ease stress and anxiety for an overall healthier state of mind.

Facial massage woman in SPA salon. Massaging therapist makes face therapy massage for female. Sensual healthy massaging in hands of professional masseur. Concept of health care and beauty. Copy space

At this type of massage, therapists use their hands to apply pressure directly onto trigger points that have become tight or sore in areas of tightness and pressure, using slow and sustained pressure to free up fascia and muscles that have tightened, as well as stretching them in order to eliminate knots in fascia. Studies show that myofascial release can decrease sensitivity to pain for those living with fibromyalgia, improving quality of life and health overall. Myofascial release therapy also aids fibromyalgia patients by alleviating their depression, fatigue and sleep quality – an invaluable finding since most other forms of treatments do not bring relief and it often impacts both body and mind making it hard to treat with traditional methods.

Venik massage

Russian Banya tradition employs the use of veniks (bundles of oak leaves) to both increase heat levels and massage the body during a ritual known as parenie. Constructed from bundles of birch or oak branches tied together, it resembles an crude broom and must be soaked until soft enough for massaging the body – the therapist uses this tool by fluttering the bundle of oak leaves over their body, pressing against skin areas while brushing side to side and slapping against back of bodies, stimulating metabolism while opening pores while clearing away toxins while increasing blood circulation simultaneously.

After receiving a Venik massage, the body is immersed in cold water to reduce body heat and increase circulation. This drastic contrast in temperatures helps increase blood flow throughout the body while revitalizing mind and relieving tension in muscles. Venik massage uses hands, arms, elbows, knees and feet to target acupressure points in 14 energy pathways or meridians in the body. Unlike most forms of therapy, no oils are used during this form of therapy and the client can sit or lie down during this therapy session. Pressure, vibration or injection techniques may be applied by the therapist in order to release myofascial pain while they can also identify trigger points which cause headaches or other forms of discomfort in other parts of their bodies.

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